Monday, 26 January 2009

A Long Wait for You... (A Poem)

"Books... books... books... windows to the world,
Dreams... dreams... dreams... windows to the mind,
Friends... friends... friends... windows to heaven.

Many things life taught me...
How many things more!
It's already saturating, and boring...

I am waiting for you to come...
In this silent solitude...
To share my knowledge, my joy!
Thus to unburden my wisdom...

I am waiting for you to come...
In this dark corner of the world...
To help me to fill up my space with light!
And to feel the completeness of living..."

Sandeep Palakkal

An Impression

Life is so vivid an experience which I can't express with words. It paints a lot of impressions in my mind. After a good sleep, today morning something was revealed to my mind. I have no words to express it. I better express it in someone else's words...

"He walks among men like man walks among animals."
--Thus Spoke Zaratustra, Friedrich Nietzsche.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Man With a Big Mouth And a Tiny Brain

Today I saw a man with a big mouth and a tiny brain.
He talked a lot.
I listened since I had a lot of time to waste!
And, all he talked was devoid of insights.

Friday, 2 January 2009

The First Step

"A journey of a thousand miles
must begin with a single step"

--Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching

When will I make the first step?...

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Moral Conflicts

Desire and Love are always in conflict with Morality. The result is Violence. Many a time one is suspicious of how distinct desire and love are. Should true love lack desire? Or, is it motivated by desire? Whatever it be, they form a force, the vital force which moves ones life. It motivates one to act. But this is not smooth. One is constrained by numerous moral rules and obligations. The causes stress, repression, deception, and may be, frustration. This is the point where the common man needs philosophy. They call it by this name without knowing what philosophy is. What they really want is a set of socially accepted rules using which they can justify their pursuit of desire without being called immoral. Of course, the first choice is religion which gives one widely accepted moral notions. There are different religions in the world is a matter of concern because it may cause conflicts between communities (we know that this is the case!). However, religion, since it is accepted by a wide majority, gives one a set of rules to follow without much conflict. But none actually follow them, or does not want to follow them. The main aim is to satisfy ones desires. And, as time goes by man feels that the religious rules, or the widely accepted moral notions are too restrictive and try protest in many ways. They try to invent new rules.

One thing to add is that once a set of rules are accepted, then there arises institutions or authorities who assumes it is their right to protect and impose these rules. Since they are also human beings, and their real motive is not the rules, such institutions degrade. It becomes more restrictive, authoritative and tries to dictate men so that invention of new values and rules are suppressed. Then man starts to rebel. This causes conflict. This conflict is for a good cause: to invent new values!