Thursday, 25 March 2010

"I am God"

A new T-shirt caption reads like this:

"I was an atheist
until I realized
I am God".

How's it? Great, right? I like it!

So, is there any hidden ideology behind it? Who cares, in a time when ideology itself lacks an ideology?

Dialectical Materialism and Bachchan

"Since Amitabh Bachchan is the brand ambassador for Modi's Gujarat government, he is not fit to become Kerala's brand ambassador" --CPI(M).

I don't understand the logic. If the aversion is against Modi, what Amitab has to do with him? If it is against the capitalist concepts of marketing and brand ambassador, then, again, what Amitab has to do with it? The logic against capitalism and industry did not work when West Bengal invited Tata to start the Nano manufacturing plant in their state. WB is also ruled by CPI(M)!

Boy, dialectical materialism is sometimes hard to understand! My limited intellect tells me: "may god save CPI(M)".

Any way, it is very bad to insult a great actor like Amitab in the name of "Dialectic Materialism". Amitab should've been excluded before inviting him. The image now is that CPI(M) lacks integrity.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Autumn of IITM

It's a hot, sultry afternoon, and I am taking rest in my room, after lunch. My room is hot but cosy, and it's very calm and quiet outside -- I can hear only songs of birds and the wind. I rise from my bed; get dressed slowly, like a person with no purposes; come out of my room, and, after locking it, start walking. I am walking very slowly, completely aware of everything around me. The corridor of the hostel is deserted, and every room is locked -- there is none in their rooms! The sky is blue and there are small, bright, white clouds scattered around. I start descending the stair case -- descending is always easier than ascending! I know that my bicycle should be somewhere in the porch, though the exact location I never care to remember. Without any difficulty, however, now I am able to locate it, as there are only a few of them there. I get on the bicycle with ease and start driving towards my lab.

The afternoon is hot and sultry. And the roads are almost empty, except occasionally for some people riding to the canteen for food or returning to work.There are trees on both sides of the road, giving me shadows, and thus saving me from the heat of the scorching sun. I see some young girls in white-and-green school uniform coming from the school for lunch break. They are talking to each other continuously while looking around and enjoying the afternoon. Their faces are gleaming with immense joy which make them even more beautiful. Until I pass them my eyes keep scanning them -- I see their happiness, liveliness, innocence, and joy. I look at every guy passing me as though I am trying to learn something from his face; they all pass me, with calm faces.

The afternoon, though hot and sultry, looks beautiful and serene. As I am heading towards my workplace, I look at the long road; I can see till the next turn, which comes a hundred meters away. I sense with wonder that my immediate future is waiting for me on the road and I am passing through my life as I ride the bicycle. Suddenly, there comes a soothing breeze, caressing my face and hair, as if it wants to tell me something; a shower of dead, yellow leaves from the trees falls on me... and around me. I wish if this moment would just freeze and stay forever... but, no: it passes me... and I go on.  It is autumn in Chennai. The trees are becoming dry and leafless. They remind me how they (and me) celebrated the winter and spring. That joy is gone. Those moments are gone. And we will also be gone. There is none on the road, and I can see until the next turn. Everything is green... and serene. Again, another moment, which I wish to freeze. I don't know if the world is a reality or a mere idea. But, at this very moment, I love the very idea... that I am alive. And... I know... I will be gone tomorrow....

Sandeep Palakkal
March 19, 2010.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Women's Bill: The First Step

Indian Rajya Sabha passes with 191 against 1 votes "the women's bill" for reservation up to 33% for women in the parliament seats. Now the Lok Sabha should pass the same for it to become effective; will it happen?

"Now the fight is no longer between the boys, but between us--girls": Sushma and Brinda celebrating the moment. (photo courtsey to The Hindu daily, March 10, 2010).