Thursday, 14 August 2014

The Abstract.

Do I appear as a mere emptiness to you?
Let me tell you then:
I am an empty essence;
A pure consciousness.
As I push myself to the limits
Of my possibilities,
The limits appear to move towards the horizons.
My limits and the horizon -- grand illusions!
I don't exist! My consciousness is finite.
While the emptiness is an impossible knowledge!

-Sandeep, Chennai, August 14, 2014.


Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Life, Mistakes and Surprise

Life's a series of mistakes. One mistake leads to the next, which to the next, to the next and so on....

One can realize ones mistakes only after the have happened. And one can never figure out why a mistake led to the next particularly and why it did not turn out differently.

That very surprise regarding how things turn out, makes life still worth living!