I have heard people saying that there are no art cinemas and commercial cinemas. There is only cinema. Obviously, these idiots have not watched Tarkovski. His cinema is purely personal and hence fully artistic. Watching his Zerkalo (The mirror) was a beautiful experience. The way we remembers our past is in a nonlinear and distorted manner. As time goes on, we interpret our own past in different ways. And our memories of our past is only what we own in our life. Once we lose our past, we lose our identity and life itself. At the end of our lives, it is our memories of our past that will convey the ultimate meaning of our lives. In Zerkalo, he really has captured how one remembers his past through dream-like sequences. That makes the movie very beautiful.
I just finished watching Solaris (or, Solyaris) . Without Zizek's Pervert's Guide to Cinema, I would not have understood a bit of it. Thanks to Zizek! Solaris proposes that the meaning of life is ultimately unknowable and one has to be at the end of ones life to understand if his life had any meaning. It is vain to seek the meaning in love and knowledge and so on for they create only fantasies of meaning. When one loves, just love. It is not for seeking the meaning that one loves. But that one loves is the meaning. It is no worth to seek the meaning of human life. But human life is the meaning of life. I know this is not clear. I need to explain it. But let's try another time. For, now I don't know if I have understood it!
The following is an interview by Tarkovski in which he describes his views on life, its meaning, art and solitude. I am touched by his views. How profound they are!!!
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