Tuesday, 18 May 2010

My Answer

It is needless to say that movies (I'm talking only about Malayalam movies) are becoming worse and worse in their artistic qualities these days.  "Art is the only justification to life," said Nietzsche.  Then, if art becomes just a money-making business, what does remain to be upheld as a justification to life?  My answer is this: Imagination.  The ability to imagine everything in my life, even impossible things!  When movies degrade I should acquire the ability to imagine my own life as a movie!  Or broadly, as a novel.  Of course, this is a reductionism -- reductionism of a complicated, non-interpretable life as a simple, integral story.  But, in this way, I can find some meaning... some justification.  What else is life but an interpretation?

1 comment:

  1. Yes man..

    I started the second boycott of malayalam movies.. this time because of the inability to watch crap
